RPP Asking and Giving Suggestions


Class               : XI / 2 (Senior High School)
Subject           : English
Topic              : Asking For, Giving and Responding the Suggestion
Skill                 : Listening and Speaking
Time               : 1 x 15 Minute

A.     Core competence

KI 1 :

KI 2 :

KI 3 :

KI 4 :
Appreciate and practice the teachings of their religion

Develop behavior (honest, discipline, responsibility, caring, polite, friendly environment, mutual aid, cooperation, peace-loving, responsive and proactive) and demonstrate behaviors as part of the solution to various problems nations in the interact effectively with the social and natural environment as well as in placing itself as a reflection of the nation in the association world

Understand and apply factual knowledge, conceptual, procedural in science, technology, art, culture, and humanities with the insight of humanity, national, state, and civilization-related phenomena and incident, as well as applying procedural knowledge in the field of study that is specific to their talents and interests to solve the problem

Processing, reasoning, and present in the concrete domain and the abstract domain associated with the development of the learned in school independently, and able to use the method according to the rules of science

B.     Basic Competences and Indicators
Basic competencies
.3.1 Analyzing a social function, the structure of the text, and linguistic elements in the expression gives suggestions and offers, and the response, in accordance with the user context

-          The students able to identify among asking for, giving and responding the suggestion
-          The students able to express clearly about asking for, giving and responding the suggestion
-          The students able to use expression asking for, giving and responding the suggestion

C.     The goal: The students able to understand the topic about “asking for, giving and responding the suggestion”.

D.     Indicators:
-          The students able to identify between asking for, giving and responding the suggestion
-          The students able to express clearly about asking for, giving and responding the suggestion
-          The students able to use expression asking for, giving and responding the suggestion

E.     The Materials:
1.      The Expressions

Askingfor Suggestion

Giving Suggestion
Responding the Suggestion
Accepting Suggestion
Refusing Suggestion

I’ve got a problem with (...)What do you suggest?

Can you give me any / some advice?

What should I do?

What do you think I should / ought to do?

Do you have any suggestion for me…

I suggest/ recommend that you …

I advice you to + verb…

You should /ought to…

Why don’t you go to the dentist?

How about playing cards?

Yes, I’d like/ love to.

That sounds like a good idea.

Thank you/Thanks

I’ll do/try that.

Why didn’t  I think of that?

I tried that, but…

Thanks, but that won’t work/ help because …

That’s a good idea, but …

No, I’d rather not.

I don’t feel like it.

2.      Social Function
  • To ask and give suggestion to someone and give responses to the suggestion whether accepting or refusing it.
  • To help someone who needs any suggestion or advice by giving our personal idea and opinion in our daily life.
3.      Formula
Ø  Formal (giving) : S + Modal (should, ought to, could, etc) + V + complement
S + suggest + (that) + S + should + V + complement
Ø  Informal (asking) : WH question → What about going to the cinema tonight?
- How about playing cards?

F.      Source and Learning Media
  1. Source                        Pathway to English course book for Senior High School grade XI
  2. Media             whiteboard, picture, Audio
G.    Learning Method :
  1. Approach       Scientific Learning
  2. Strategy          Discussion
  3. Method           : Problem- based learning
H.    Learning Activity
Description Activities
Time Duration
– Teacher lead the students to pray.
– Teacher explains to the students that they will learn about “expressing of suggestion”

1 minute
Main activities
– Teacher gives some clues about the materials which is about to be learned through some questions based on her conditions.
Teacher give an audio about expressions of suggestion.

- Teacher ask to the students for asking about the audio.
– Teacher give a post-it paper and ask the students to write one problem they have. Then the problem solved by the other students randomly. After that all of the students posting the paper on the wall
– The students think about a picture that teacher given.
– The teacher make a group consist of four students, and ask them to discuss it. After that, one of the groups practice a simple conversation based on some pictures that teacher given in front of the class.

4 minute

1 minutes


3 minutes

 1 minutes

3 minute
– The teacher asks whether the students have understood the materials or not, and whether they have any difficulties or not.
– Give students feedback
– The teacher asks to the students to conclude what they have learned today.
– The teacher ends the class by reciting Hamdallah followed by the students.

2 minute


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